Saturday, May 30, 2020

Hostile Takeover: Planet Earth. Your Health in Corporate Hands.

Informed consent definition: Voluntary agreement with an action proposed by another. Consent is an act of reason; the person giving consent must be of sufficient mental capacity and be in possession of all essential information in order to give valid consent. A person who is an infant, is mentally incompetent, or is under the influence of drugs is incapable of giving consent. Consent must also be free of coercion and fraud.

In April 2019 the world looked on as New York city shredded the constitutional rights of a small religious Jewish community that was dealing with a measles outbreak. Contrary to how most people  react to measles in our fear driven world, most people in the tight-knit group were pleased that their children were getting the benefits of natural, lifelong immunity to measles at the appropriate age. This is a community that traditionally does not vaccinate, and they have not had a single measles death in the community for over 20 years, even though they have had regular bouts of measles over the years. Not a single death was reported during the entire outbreak, which ended in September 2019, but the NY mayor unconstitutionally fined families and denied them freedom of movement unless they could show record of vaccination. Neighbors were encouraged to call the police if they saw Jewish families leaving their homes, and there was a huge surge in hate crimes against this vulnerable group. Even though natural measles conveys lifelong immunity - something the vaccine cannot do - the New York authorities insisted on all children being vaccinated even if they had contracted and recovered from measles. After the pharma and government driven astroturfing on social media, vilifying "anti-vaxxers" has become global sport, so instead of alarming the broader community, the gross infringement of those peoples rights was cheered by the masses. The emergency order was overturned after 30 days, but the precedent was set. 

Now, in this insane dystopian lockdown, we can see that what was being played out then was a test. To see how much government over-reach would be tolerated by a public that had been slowly poisoned against the vaccine hesitant for years. Early in 2020 ICAN and Robert F Kennedy Jr, a world renowned environmental lawyer, won a freedom of information law suit against the CDC, the USA's Centre for Disease Control, to release ALL the studies and data they have based their statement that "Vaccines don't cause Autism". The CDC released 20 studies, which they say is the entirety of data that have based their claims on. This is supposed to be all the information used to make the claim that vaccines (Note, plural) do not cause autism. The specific requests were for all studies on all childhood vaccines, not just the previously released MMR studies that were so fraught with issues. There were none that definitively proved the CDC' claim, and in fact, what they presented was laughable (It's worth watching this short video which lays it out in 7 minutes) The upshot of this is, not a single person on the planet has had full informed consent when it comes to vaccines. 

Now there have been many, many, many more studies done on the vaccine-autism link, the vast majority of which prove that there is indeed a link, including the CDC's own study, which was run by Dr Thompson, the whistleblower who admitted they fudged the data to skew the results,  in a study that was supposed to be the definitive "no link to autism" study, and this was, tellingly, not included in the documents. It was the chilling story of this whistleblower that led to the filming of VAXXED. The data released by the CDC is dismal. If this is indeed what the entire vaccine schedule's "safety" claims are based on, it could crash the entire global health framework and indeed, the global economy, because there are MILLIONS of people with autism, caused by the vaccine schedule and every one of them will be entitled to sue. And this would cost over $2.5 TRILLION dollars in the USA alone, JUST FOR AUTISM. Riots and civil war would break out. 

"If people let the government decide what foods they eat and what medicines they take, their bodies will soon be in as sorry a state as are the souls who live under tyranny" 
Thomas Jefferson

And suddenly, we ended up, very conveniently, in a global lockdown, with the spectre of disease being driven down our throats, and again, vaccines being pounded into our consciousness as the solution to the current problem. And instead of the world hearing the TRUTH about this heinous, disgusting, evil cover-up, we are all focused on the terror of germs and the holy grail of a vaccine. A vaccine that is being rushed at "warp speed" through testing, bypassing crucial animal trials. As usual, ONLY the positive data (which is thin on the ground) is reaching mainstream media. Moderna exults that some humans have developed antibodies and declines to tell us that most didn't and three people out of the trial developed severe adverse reactions (see the poster boy for the trial here and here). The Oxford trial - which did go through perfunctory animal trials, is continuing it's trials in humans even though all of the monkeys in the trial got sick upon challenge with the virus, but they still trumpeted success in mainstream media. Nobody has ever made a successful RNA vaccine for any Corona virus. When they tried to make SARS and MERS vaccines the hosts seemed to make robust antibodies, but upon challenge with the vaccine, some had extreme reactions resulting in cytokine storms - the very mechanism that kills so many Covid19 victims. 

Goverments of the world are now also pushing the flu vaccine, as an adjunct to social distancing and masks, some countries, like Australia, even going so far as to mandate it for certain groups. This flies in the face of evidence based medicine. The Cochrane Collaboration, the most respected medical review board in the world has been shouting about the harms of the innefective flu vaccines for over 20 years. The Pentagon released a military study of veterans that showed that the flu vaccine actually INCREASED peoples risk of dying from coronaviruses by 36%. Why are the global governments ignoring the science? 

A central lesson of science is that to understand complex issues (or even simple ones), we must try to free our minds of dogma and to guarantee the freedom to publish, to contradict and to experiment. Arguments from authority are unacceptable.
Carl Sagan

Why indeed. For that, we need to look at the ties to the drug industry that riddles every single government in the world. And to the WHO, which is now funded mostly by Bill Gates, whose foundation earns billions off vaccines - and whose ethical record with regard to informed consent and human experimentation, and ties to Monsanto (and other ethically criminal corporations) large scale food production against the strident objections of activists in India and Africa have placed him in the driving seat globally. You can read more about Bill's backstory here (oh, and his own children are, according to their doctor, not vaccinated). He is not a humanitarian, he is much more interested in tax breaks and building his own empire and personal world vision, which includes supporting the tech that will enable global surveillance and of course supporting his fellow billionaires who will also profit from his agenda. The WHO is also massively funded by pharma and riddled with scandal, having been involved in nefarious activities, colluded with the tobacco, nuclear and drug industries, manufactured the 2009 Swine Flu pandemic to sell vaccines and to finally force a market for the dismally ineffective flu vaccine sector. The corruption has rotted the WHO from the inside, taking its focus off creating clinics and bringing clean water to poor communities, and instead has placed them as a clean front to the vaccine industry, where they spend an inordinate amount of time introducing drug makers to African and Indian leaders to enable the sales of their products, often funded by the WHO, or Gates, to the poorest and most vulnerable. And contrary to the popular belief that vaccines are lifesavers in rural Africa, in fact, the evidence shows that the opposite is true

Looking at how this pandemic is being run, one of the most important talking points is the sacrifice of individual rights for the "greater good" of the community at large. It isn't "your" right to personal autonomy you need to worry about, it's the safety of others. We need to sacrifice some of our "little, less important" rights on the altar of the common good. So a healthy person out in the world is putting all the other vulnerable members of the community at risk. This is key. Social media is driving a campaign to make it seem selfish to care about your own rights and freedom. This is how they run the fear campaigns around vaccines and illness, this is how they are going to justify changing the constitutions of the world in favour of less individual autonomy.

If we lived in a world where global governments truly did have our best interests at heart, where there was no industry money dirtying the waters, this would be much less of a stretch. But this is not the case. The WHO is not just fraught with scandal and unbelievable conflicts of interest, but is now an arm of pharma, it's most important advertising and PR program. We have been sold a lie, and one cover up after another until it started snowballing into the crisis we see today. And as a result of this network of lies, corruption, skewed science, zealous adherence to dogma, we have ended up here. Is this the end of it? Will pharma finally win, and force a world where health can only come in a syringe, or will humanity wake up? This is not a time to be idly watching Netflix and baking banana bread. This is an incredible opportunity to learn. Do it. And for a change, DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH. Don't accept the party line, don't use google, a branch of Gate's Microsoft future, to look. Ecosia and DuckDuckgo won't track or filter. There are only 20, massively fraught, shitty studies that are used to prove the global schedule. There are THOUSANDS that show that the schedule is deadly. Look for yourselves. 

These corporations run our culture and they riddle it with bullshit
Ben Goldacre